Why More People Are Going for Payday Loans
When considering your fast loan options, it’s hard to beat the convenience and ease that accompanies a payday loan. In fact, many people are turning to payday loans in financially pressing times to help them through whatever they’re facing, be it a medical bill, a repair, and any expensive, surprise cost that catches your budget off guard. While there are other loan options out there, such as borrowing money from your family or friends or personal loans, payday loans are popular for several reasons.
Over the course of this blog, I’ll explain how and why payday loans are as popular as they are before I show you how to find your nearest payday loan location. Don’t worry about searching for payday loans near me. Settle into your chair and learn all about these loans.
They’re Fast!
One of the main selling points for payday loans is how fast they are. Whereas traditional loans obtained through the bank often involve a long application process that is further extended by the deliberation. This makes them incredibly difficult to obtain when you’re in a pinch and you need money quickly.
On the other, faster hand payday loans can be obtained in as little as 30 minutes. The application process is fast and can be completed in minutes. You can also start your application online, from the comfort of your home. While you will have to meet with a representative to secure your loan, the likelihood of you securing your loan on the same day that you apply is improved if you can schedule your meeting with the representative on the same day.
Your Credit Score Doesn’t Matter
Another reason why many people are turning to payday loans is the fact that your credit score isn’t taken into consideration when determining your eligibility. Traditional loans, such as personal loans, use a credit score to determine someone’s eligibility for approval. Credit cards use this number, too, which is why these options aren’t viable for someone who needs fast cash but doesn’t have the credit score to support them. This isn’t the case with payday loans. We focus on what really matters for payday loans, your current employment because we understand that your financial decisions of the past shouldn’t determine your current or future financials. That’s why we accept all credit scores, great, average, bad, or nonexistent.
You Don’t Need to Offer Anything Up for Collateral
Loans that aren’t focused on credit scores often ask for you to offer up an asset as collateral in order for you to secure the money. While this isn’t a bad option, as it allows you to secure financials with a poor credit score, if you don’t have an asset to offer up, you might not be able to secure one.
To obtain a payday loan, you don’t need to offer anything up as collateral and, because we don’t worry about your credit score either, you can secure your payday loan without either of these things. Your eligibility for a payday loan is dependent upon your current state of employment. Without a job, you might not be approved, but if you have a job, you can be approved and receive your cash on the same day!
The Amount is Versatile
You already know that your approval is dependent upon your current employment status, but this employment status also helps our loan representatives to determine how much money you’ll receive for your loan. You can receive up to $1,000 for your payday loan.
This number will be determined during your face-to-face meeting with our loan representatives and the amount will be deposited directly into your checking account for you to use in whatever way you see fit. It’s that simple and we won’t monitor your use of the money once it’s in your hands. If you’re interested in learning more about the amount that you’ll receive, check out this blog How Much Money Can I Expect with a Payday Loan?
Applying is Easy
Another reason why payday loans are so popular if you need more reasons than those listed above is that the application process is easy. We understand that when you’re under financial stress, the last thing you want to do is jump through the frustrating hoops of a long application process for a loan. That’s why we’ve streamlined our application, making it simple and easy for you to complete in a timely fashion. We couldn’t promise you cash on the same day if completing our application took forever, which is why we’ve streamlined the process to make it as less headache-inducing as possible for you.
Finding a Payday Loan Near Me is Simple
Not only do we make applying for a payday loan easy, but we make finding one close to you easy, too. You can either click here to view our Locations Page that will give you a comprehensive list of all of the different cities throughout Florida that we serve, or you can start by filling out that short online form that I mentioned early. Simply by clicking to our Home Page, you can start filling out your online form which will direct you to a separate page where you’ll be matched up with your nearest store location. After you submit your form, one of our representatives will give you a call to set up a face-to-face meeting, during which you’ll be asked to bring the following pieces of information to complete your application:
- Your driver’s license or state-issued I.D.
- Your most recent paystub as proof of employment
- A blank check from the checking account of your choosing
You’ll be given plenty of opportunities to ask any questions or voice any concerns about the process. Once you feel comfortable with everything, you’ll sign the paperwork and the funds will be transferred into your bank account! It’s that simple. Now that you know how easy it is to obtain one of these loans, what are you waiting for? Start your application and join the many people who have used payday loans for financial relief.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.