What Is Required To Apply For A West Palm Beach Payday Loan?
Have you ever needed more cash between paydays? A West Palm Beach payday loan could have been precisely what you needed to stretch your money until your next paycheck. Payday loans can cover a wide range of expenses and emergencies.
They are one-and-done loans, so many customers prefer them over long-term loans. If you’re searching for funds to face a financial emergency in between paychecks, a payday cash advance can help.
It’s easy to apply, and most customers get their loan the same day, but that’s only if they come prepared. Fast Payday Loans, Inc. of Florida can help you determine if you have what is required to apply for a payday loan today.
What Do I Need To Apply For A West Palm Beach Payday Loan?
Requirements For Payday Loans
If you are interested in a West Palm Beach payday loan, you should know a few things to be eligible. Of course, we can’t predict whether you’ll be approved until your information is officially submitted.
However, being prepared with the following information and items increases your odds. First, you must be 18 years old to obtain a West Palm Beach payday loan. If so, you can move on to the first step, gathering your documents. They include:
- A recent pay stub - We prefer to see your most recent pay stub to gauge the amount your loan should ideally be.
- Checking account - You will need to present a blank check and, in some cases, a bank statement. This must be from the active checking account in your name.
- Identification - A government-issued photo I.D., like your driver’s license, is best.
You must meet with a loan representative to complete the application, so some free time is also required. It takes many customers less than 30 minutes to apply.
What If I Don’t Have the Required Items?
We try to be as flexible as possible, but we have specific rules that we must follow. Therefore, if a customer doesn’t have all the required documents, we may not be able to grant them a West Palm Beach payday loan. Let’s look at the requirements above and discuss whether or not there is any wiggle room concerning each one.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any control over the minimum age for paycheck advances. The legal age of consent for contracts is non-negotiable.
Pay Stub
Asking for a pay stub is just another way of verifying that you can repay the loan. Instead of a pay stub, we sometimes refer to this as “proof of income.” Income can come from many sources, including court-ordered payments, worker’s compensation, or retirement payouts. Proof of any regular income will satisfy this requirement.
Checking Account
You must have a checking account as well. The account must be in an active account in your name, and we will generally ask for a blank check from that account, which will be used to determine if you qualify for approval. We need to see a full picture of your financial situation, which means looking at your account.
The final thing needed to apply for a West Palm Beach payday loan is ID, used to verify your identity. We can use any government-issued photo ID, so having a driver’s license isn’t required.
How Do Payday Loans Work?
Fast Payday Loans, Inc. of Florida is a reputable West Palm Beach payday loan source. We educate our customers about every element of short-term loans so they can make informed decisions. And you never have to worry about your personal information. Thanks to our secure website and in-store security practices, your information is safe with us.
You can apply in person or choose a convenient at-home option to get started. Call a nearby location to speak with a knowledgeable loan agent or fill out the convenient online inquiry on our home page.
Before coming into the office, you will have a phone conversation with a friendly consultant who can verify that you have everything you need to apply. We have English and Spanish-speaking representatives to accommodate as many customers as possible.
Finally, you’ll bring your essential items to your nearest location to complete the application. Your assigned representative will review all your documents and ensure that everything is accurate so you can get approved.
Get Your West Palm Beach Payday Loan Today!
Whether you have good, bad, or no credit, you can be eligible for payday loans. There’s no fee or obligation to inquire, so nothing stops you from applying if you need extra cash.
Getting approved for a payday loan is easy as long as you have all the required items. Calling ahead or filling out the online form can help your representative prepare you for your in-store meeting.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.