10 Ways To Get Money Fast
When you stumbled into the need for quick cash, you should know that there are a number of different things you can do to obtain the funds you need in a pinch. Ranging from getting immediate money with fast payday loans to driving for Uber or Lyft, these ten options can help you bolster your budget quickly.
In this blog, we will be discussing ten different things you can do to get extra money, how easy it is to conduct an internet search for “payday loans near me,” and what side gigs you can incorporate into your day-to-day to help make sure you’re taken care of for the future.
Sell Your Extra Items
It’s true for many of us that we often have more possessions than we need. If you have a home that is stocked full of things, take this opportunity to examine everything that you own and see what you can live without!
1. Miscellaneous Junk
Do you really need that stack of board games gathering dust in the closet? If you have two old phones in your drawer, do you really need two for backup? What about the several gaming systems tucked beneath your television? Are three really necessary?
When thinking about the extra items in your life, don’t be afraid to go down to the bare minimums or at least the things you use regularly. Local pawnshops are usually open to take just about anything and apps like Offer Up and Let Go make selling your items easy.
2. Sell Your Extra Clothes
When looking at your closet, ask yourself this: Do you really wear everything hanging in there? What about your dresser? A quick rule of thumb for going through your closet is to ask yourself the following questions: have I worn this in the last month? Will I wear this when the weather changes? Did I feel good in this when I wore it?
Side Gigs for Extra Money
The following side gigs usually offer payment either weekly or bi-weekly, which is handy if you need money between monthly paychecks and applying for them is easy!
3. Try Driving for Uber or Lyft
Popular apps like Uber and Lyft are usually hiring and they have flexible hours, meaning you can easily add these side gigs into your schedule. If you have a newer car in good condition, you might be able to use it to make some extra income. If you live in a densely populated area, the demand for such services is always high. Check out these websites to see if you and your car qualify!
4. Rent Out An Extra Room in Your Home
If you have an extra room in your home, you might want to consider registering the space for Airbnb, which lets you offer your space for travels to rent, often for a cheaper cost than hotels, making this a viable option if you’re comfortable with letting people into your space. Check out the Airbnb website to see if you qualify to be a host!
5. Dog Walker Apps
One of the more fun options on this list, dog walker apps are a good way to, not only connect you with some cute pooches in the area but make some extra money doing something fun!
6. Food Delivery
Like Lyft and Uber, food delivery services are a popular way to make money and you have plenty of options to choose from like Uber Eats, DoorDash, Amazon Flex, and more. You need to have a working car, which is the main requirement, but with that, you’ll be able to secure one of these positions.
7. Moving Services
Even with the pandemic, people are moving from place to place, meaning there is a near-constant need for moving services. Either by driving the trucks or moving the furniture itself, people will always be hiring for movers. Regardless of whether you live in a densely populated area or a sparse area, these services are always popular!
Loan Options
If you find that you don’t have the time to pick up an extra job to handle your financial challenge, here some loan options available to you.
8. Borrow Money From Friends and Family
If your friends and family are in a position to help you, borrowing money from them is a good way to get extra cash. You’ll also have an opportunity to create a repayment plan that best suits you and your income.
9. Credit Cards
There are plenty of credit cards out there with low-interest rates and many of them have a 0% introductory period that will allow you to charge the card without interest building on the amount. Beware though – once you start charging the card, it’s easy to keep charging it and this introductory period won’t last forever. Anything left over will begin accruing interest.
10. Payday Loans Near Me
Another option that will always be here for you when other options fail are payday loans. Payday loans are a short term loan option that doesn’t focus on your credit score to determine your eligibility. We serve several locations throughout Florida, making it easy for you to find a store near you. Check out our Locations Page to see what areas we serve.
Applying for a payday loan is easy thanks to our online form that can be started from the comfort of your own home. This form can be finished within minutes and, once you submit it, you’ll receive a call from a loan representative to set up a face-to-face meeting at the time of your choosing. During the meeting, you’ll be asked to provide the following information:
- Your driver’s license
- A blank check from an active checking account
- Your most recent paystub
The representative will review the information and determine how much money you’re eligible to receive. In Florida, you can receive up to $1,000 for your payday loan. It’s that simple and you can receive money in as little as 30 minutes after starting your application. Getting fast money doesn’t have to be difficult and if you don’t have time to pick up a side gig, payday loans are an option that won’t fail you.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.