6 Important Tips About Getting A Payday Loan In Quincy, FL
Getting a payday loan in Quincy, FL, may be confusing, so each borrower should know their way around short-term loans before applying. The more you know, the better financial decisions you'll make, which is why we've developed these six vital tips.
We'll dive into when payday loans may be the best option, when to avoid payday loans, payday terms to know, the application process, and more!
Quincy payday loans are a quick and easy option to address an urgent need or financial emergency. However, they are just that: an option. Our tips will help you make sure you're choosing the right short-term solution for your financial situation.
Essential Quincy Payday Loan Tips
1. Use Your Emergency Funds First
Sometimes we get carried away with our savings and investments and forget their real purpose – to keep us financially stable. If you're facing an urgent bill, are a few weeks away from payday, or have already spent or saved your last paycheck, you may be tempted to get a payday loan in Quincy, FL.
Even though this is a quick and easy option for those with limited resources, it should not be a top-tier solution if you have emergency funds stashed away. Use these funds to replenish them during your next pay period.
2. Learn Payday Terminology
If you're in a group living on more limited means, then Quincy payday loans may be an option to cover that unexpected bill. Before you apply, get familiar with the payday terminology so you're well-versed before signing on the dotted line.
Here are some standard terms to know:
- Loan decision: refers to the decision of whether or not you've been approved for the loan.
- Loan terms: include the duration, contingencies, fees, and other details of your loan.
- Government-issued I.D.: could be given from the federal government (passport) or your state (license or I.D.).
- Proof of income: usually in the form of pay stubs, bank statements, or employment verification forms to prove the money you make every month.
- Active account: refers to a checking account in your name that you use at least once a month.
3. Know Your Payday Loan Terms
Before agreeing to any loan, be it a payday loan or a traditional loan from another lender, you should ask about the loan's terms. This is the detailed fine print of your agreement, including the following:
- Any and all fees
- The principal
- Whether the interest is on the principal or compounded
- Payment options
- Payment procedures
- And any other doubts or questions you may have at the time
4. Don't Let Your Credit Stop You
If you're new to credit or trying to increase your score after a drop, you may feel discouraged by the credit requirements of most loan lenders. While banks and credit unions typically require a score of 650-700+, Fast Payday Loans, Inc. welcomes borrowers from all credit scores and histories.
Whether your credit is fair, reasonable, poor, or nonexistent, you can apply for a payday loan in Quincy, FL, through our office.
5. Apply Online/On The Phone For Convenience
Unlike other lenders, Fast Payday Loans, Inc. offers multiple ways to get started with Quincy payday loans. If you prefer to meet us in person, you could stick to the traditional route and complete the process at our local office on 384 East Jefferson Street.
For those who prefer the convenience of being at home, we also offer an online/over-the-phone application process to make things easier for you.
You'll start by filling out our online form for the latter process. Then, you can expect a call from our local Quincy office. Our representative will walk you through the process over the phone, including verifying your documents and determining if you qualify for the loan.
6. Have Your Documents Ready
Whether it's in-store or at a convenient location of your choice, you'll need the same documentation to qualify. Getting a payday loan in Quincy, FL, requires an up-to-date government I.D., your latest pay stub or proof of income, and a blank check from your active bank account.
Typically, proof of income is shown through a pay stub for standard W2 jobs. If you have income from elsewhere, such as self-employed work, government assistance, alimony, or another source of income, discuss it with our representative during your phone call to see if you qualify.
The Most Important Features Of Payday Loans In Quincy
Payday loans aren't for everyone, but they offer plenty of features for the people who choose them, including:
- Only three required documents to qualify
- No good credit is needed to apply
- An in-store or over-the-phone application process
- The process can take as little as half an hour
- Up to $1,000 in emergency funds for an urgent expense
Once approved, you can get your funds that same day or the following business day.
Get Your Emergency Money Today!
Now that you've learned these top tips for getting your payday loan in Quincy, FL, what are you waiting for?
Quincy payday loans may be an option for those who need anywhere from $100 to $1,000 today to cover an urgent bill.
If you are stuck with a financial emergency, fill out our online form to get started and take a step towards receiving the money you need now.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.