fast relief from financial emergency

How to Get Relief From Your Financial Emergency

It’s no secret that the past few months have been rough for, well, everyone. Between the pandemic, general unrest, and the collection of stronger-than-average hurricanes that are determined to hit the coasts of Florida, the need for fast financial relief is paramount and at the forefront of many people’s minds. Whether you’re struggling now or you want to prepare yourself for an uncertain future, understanding the different wants you can save is the first step to changing your financial situation. When all else fails, payday loans can remain an option to get fast cash in as little as 30 minutes.

Since we serve several locations throughout the state of Florida, we make finding a payday loan near you easy and painless. Over the course of this blog, I’ll show you how to prepare for a financial emergency by focusing on how easy it can be to make sure you’re stashing away money, passively and impassively and, if all else fails, I’ll show you how to easily get financial relief.

How to Financially Prepare for the Future

Did you know that the average person only has around $400 saved up to handle a surprise cost with many more living each month paycheck-to-paycheck? The sad reality is that we live in a time where building a savings account is difficult, certainly more difficult than it has been in the past, where the cost of living was flush with the average income.

Different Ways to Build a Savings

Part of making sure you’re financially prepared to handle an emergency is by building up a savings account for yourself. While you probably know how difficult it is to accomplish this, here’s a list of ways to make sure you’re always transferring some sum of money over.

  • Automate your savings: If you already know that you won’t be able to transfer money over into your savings account on your own, automating is a great way to ensure you’re building up those numbers passively. Passively, in this case, means that you don’t have to exhibit any extra brain power a week to make sure this gets done – it does it automatically and the amount that’s transferred can be adjusted to fit your budget. Check out your banking app today to see how you can set up an automatic transfer.
  • Make sure a portion of your paycheck is being transferred into your savings: This goes hand-in-hand with automating your savings, but it’s important to make sure that you’re transferring over a reasonable amount of money that fits both your budget and your savings goals. Transferring over a few cents each month won’t help you build up a budget that you can fall back upon.
  • Make saving money a habit: The more you repeat something, the easier it is to develop a habit and money saving is an important part of this. Try not to miss a month or a paycheck when it comes to tucking money away, this will make it easier for you to fall off the bandwagon, so to speak, and make it easier to skip out on saving money.

Create a Realistic Budget and Stick to It

Building a budget, especially one to fit a new goal like creating a savings account for yourself, can seem like a daunting task which is why I’ve compiled a list of different things you can do to make building the perfect budget easy.

  • Take note of your income: The first and, perhaps, obvious thing you need to do is take note of your full income. This is a vital part of knowing how much money you can contend with.
  • Track your spending: Tracking your spending is a great way to identify all of the areas in your life where you’re dropping money that doesn’t need to be dropped and it’s a good way to make sure you’re not going over your budget. Modern banking apps make it easy (aren’t you glad you don’t have to balance checkbooks regularly?), but make sure you’re actively checking them to make sure you don’t overspend.
  • Set goals: Setting goals for yourself is a good way to keep yourself on track, which will help to keep you focused as you work towards building your savings. It’s okay to start small, too. If you want to save $500 from your first year of budgeting, set that goal! The key is to keep yourself motivated.

Consider a Side Hustle

Side hustles, or side jobs, are a great way to make some extra income on the side, which is handy if you want to bolster a savings account with extra cash. This also frees up your main source of income for bills and necessary expenses. Consider your skill set and think about the different things you can do to make extra income on the side.

There are a plethora of other resources available to you if you want to make extra income or if you’re interested in educating yourself on money. If you want to learn more, top financial books that will educate you on finances!


woman saving money for financial emergency


Finding Payday Loans Near You

Now that you know what you can do to make sure you’re saving money, what do you do if you need cash quickly? Thanks to the Fast Payday Loans, Inc. application process, we can get you up to $1,000 in cash, in as little as 30 minutes! By filling out a brief online form on our website and hitting submit, you’ll be contacted by one of our friendly representatives, who will schedule a meeting. During the meeting, you��ll be asked to provide a few pieces of information which include:

  • Your driver’s license or valid I.D.
  • Your most recent paystub as proof of income
  • A blank check from your active bank account

Payday loans are unique in that they don’t rely on your credit score to determine your eligibility. That’s right. Even with bad or nonexistent credit, you can be approved for a payday loan in as little as 30 minutes. We understand that financial relief doesn’t have to be complicated, which is why we’ve created a streamlined process that gets you to access to your emergency money without a credit check. We watch you at your nearest store location so you don’t have to waste your time searching for payday loans near me. So? What are you waiting for? Visit our homepage and start your application today.

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Emma Frost

Emma Frost is a lifestyle and finance blogger with a talent for communication and a passion for financial literacy. She uses her writing talents to explore topics that help her readers gain financial stability and growth.