The Best Places To Go For Financial Assistance In Florida
When you're struggling with cash, finding financial assistance Florida is essential. We all find ourselves looking for financial assistance Florida – like searching for a ‘cash advance near me’ – at least every once in a while. Thankfully, the state provides plenty of options to help you and your family get back on your feet. Here are just some of the best places to go for financial assistance in Florida.
Get Financial Assistance Florida With These Tips
1. Florida Discount Drug Card
When it comes to financial assistance Florida, this is a good option. The Florida Discount Drug Card helps you pay medical bills. If you qualify, the card gives you a discount on pretty much any prescription medication you need. Across the state, there are 5,000 pharmacies that accept the card. For more information and to see how you can qualify, we suggest calling 1-866-341-889.
2. Florida Health Care Access Program
The Florida state government runs this health care program. It gives uninsured state residents high-quality, affordable health insurance and complete access to health care facilities.
Within the program, there are six participating insurance carriers. They all offer around 20 plans to Floridians and at least two benefit options per insurance provider. The plans typically include preventive care plans and hospital coverage (i.e., a catastrophic plan).
3. The Florida Department Of Children And Families (DCF)
This financial assistance Florida, the DCF or Department of Children and Families, works to protect low-income, poor, and vulnerable adults and families. They also work to promote self-sufficient individuals and families in partnership with United Way 211. You can also request financial and welfare advice from the support center by dialing 1-866-762-2237.
4. Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
The TCA, Temporary Cash Assistance program, gives you grants and aids if you have children under the age of 18; 19 in certain situations. The aim is to help you become self-supporting while allowing your children to stay at home. The TCA also works with various Florida rent assistance programs that may be of interest.
Your children must meet the fairly stringent asset, technical, and income requirements to qualify for this financial assistance Florida. If you're pregnant, you may also receive the grant or aid in two situations:
- At six months pregnant and not able to work;
- At nine months pregnant.
5. Florida Utility And Cooling Bill Assistance Programs
You can receive financial assistance Florida for electricity, gas, and utility bills if you're classified as a low-income household. Seniors can also access these programs. Not to mention the state does a fantastic job at providing deferral programs, payment plans, and other resources to help you pay your bills on time.
There are both government-led and independent charities/organizations that help you pay your utility bills at all times of the year. Generally speaking, the state's largest utility companies in Florida tend to administer the assistance and use local charities to help them distribute the funds.
Alongside the financial assistance Florida you receive, they teach you how to save energy through weatherization and where to apply for the help. To give you an idea of how many utility companies take part in the state's assistance programs, look at the non-exhaustive list below:
- Clay Electric Cooperative;
- City of Tallahassee Utilities;
- City of Lake Worth Utilities;
- Fort Pierce Authority;
- Florida Power and Light Company;
- Florida Public Utilities
Not Eligible? Try A Cash Advance Near Me
If you, for whatever reason, don't qualify for the above financial assistance Florida, a cash advance near me is an option. This cash advance near me – or payday loan – helps bridge the gap between pay periods when you really need emergency help.
While you shouldn't jump headfirst into another financial obligation, quick payday loans work as a last resort when you're in a pinch. With our cash advance, you can get up to $1,000 to fund your emergency or pay overdue bills. Bad credit is welcome, making it an accessible option for you to choose.
Getting started on the process is simple. Just fill out the online form and wait for one of our payday loan representatives to give you a call. They will walk you through the steps and set up a meeting at the nearest Florida payday loan. Grab your ID, most recent paystub, and your blank check from an active checking account, and head over to finish up.
Once we assess your information and determine if you qualify for approval, you can finish up some quick paperwork and get the money either the same day or the next bank business day.
Get The Financial Help You Need Today
As you now know, finding financial assistance Florida isn't difficult. There is always somewhere to turn, even when it feels like you're doomed. If the charities and government-funded programs can't help, always remember that our cash advances are just a phone call away.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.