What To Know About Getting An Online Payday Loan
An online payday loan is a loan type that can help you out when you are in a tight financial spot and need money ASAP. Online payday loans allow you to start the process from the comfort of your own home which is a way to go for many people who experience difficulties traveling to a payday loan location. Of course, there is some information you need to know first before you apply.
Below, we offer 7 things to know about online payday loans which can help you decide if this loan type is right for you and how to get started.
7 Things To Know About Getting An Online Payday Loan
Even though getting any type of loan may seem intimidating at a glance, getting an online payday loan in Florida is a whole different story, and here’s why:
1. You Can Get Up To $1,000
If approved for an online payday loan from Fast Payday Loans Florida, Inc. you can get anywhere from $100 to $1000. This amount of money can help you out whenever you are in a pinch and need just a little extra help to cover you until your next payday.
2. It’s Safe
One of the first things most people want to know about getting an online payday loan is if it is safe. Indeed, it is common sense to make sure the route you are going to choose is safe, especially if it involves money.
The good news is that getting a payday loan online is a safe route to take. Our online portal is backed with top encryption technology to ensure your confidential information stays covered. With Fast Payday Loans Florida, Inc., your information is protected from hackers, leaks, and any other unwanted scenario.
3. It’s Fast
Getting a payday loan online is one of the fastest methods to get cash on short notice. Whenever you get started online, it only takes seconds to get started, and the in-store process can take as little as 30 minutes if you have everything put together.
4. You Only Need 3 Things
In order to qualify for a payday loan from Fast Payday Loans Florida, Inc. you only need three things to apply: your driver’s license or government-issued ID, your most recent pay stub, and a blank check from an active checking account in your name. If you have these three things, you can qualify for one of our payday loans.
5. All Credit Types Are Welcome To Apply
As long as you have the three items listed above, you are welcome to apply. This means that no matter if your credit is good or bad, you still have a chance to qualify and get approved for a loan.
6. Filling Out A Short Inquiry Doesn’t Oblige You To Sign A Contract
One of the things that people may not know is that when they fill out an online form on our website, it doesn’t mean that they are obligated to sign any agreements. The purpose of this form is to let us know that you’re interested in working with us. It also lets you learn more about payday loans from one of our representatives.
7. You Can Still Qualify Even With Discharged Bankruptcy
Most financial institutions pay attention to the customer’s credit history and things like bounced checks, charge-offs, or discharged bankruptcy are a sign that a borrower cannot be trusted. It works differently with online payday loans. You can qualify for this loan type even with discharged bankruptcy.
Our Online Payday Loan Process
The online payday loan process differs from location to location. Here is what it will look like if you choose Fast Payday Loans Florida, Inc. to be your primary lender.
The process begins with you filling out our online inquiry form which will ask you for some information about yourself. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Once you submit the form, it will be sent to the closest storefront location. A representative will give you a call to ask you for some more information and set up an appointment.
For your appointment, bring all of your required items so a representative can determine the amount you qualify for. This in-person process can take as little as 30 minutes. If you are approved, the funds will be available to you either on the same or the very next day at the latest, depending on the time of the day you start the process and the type of bank you have.
Submit Your Online Payday Loan Inquiry Now!
An online payday loan could get you up to $1,000, and you only need three things to apply, even if you have bad or nonexistent credit. The process is fast, safe, and reliable. Although you will still have to visit the store, you can get started now.
To get started now with an online payday loan in Florida, fill out our inquiry form or call us at 800-514-2274. A representative will set up an appointment and get the ball rolling. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.