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How An Online Payday Loan Can Help With Urgent Expenses

Being hit with urgent expenses is never enjoyable. Whether it's 2 pm on a Saturday or 4 am, there will never be a "good time" for emergencies. You don't have to struggle alone.  

An online payday loan from us at Fast Payday Loans, Inc. is a secure, convenient option when you can't fund urgent occurrences by yourself. In the following sections, we'll review everything you need to know about using these loans to pay for emergencies, so you can decide whether they're right. 

How A Payday Loan Helps To Cover Emergencies 

A solid emergency fund gives you some financial breathing room when urgent expenses arise. Experts recommend saving up to six months' expenses to ensure you can keep paying your bills and purchasing food should the worst happen.  

However, you may just be starting on the road to a healthy emergency fund when an urgent situation strikes. Or you may have needed to use your savings for something else and you haven't managed to replenish it. Whatever the reason for not having an emergency fund, a payday loan from us can cover the gap.  

You don't need to have good credit. Instead, we just ask for a few documents, including your ID, before deciding whether you qualify. If you do, you can use the money to pay the emergency expenses as soon as it hits your account. 


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Top 3 Urgent Expenses You Can Cover With An Online Payday Loan 

Lots of urgent expenses justify a payday loan, but the following are the three most common: 

  1. Home Repairs

From leaking roofs to missing slates to damage caused by a storm to broken windows to pipe damage to water damage, just about anything can go wrong with your home at any moment. And sadly, it can be costly to repair. That's where payday loans come in to bridge the gap, offering enough money to pay for remedial work. 

  1. Medical Bills

Medical bills are notoriously expensive across the country, even when you have fairly robust health insurance. So, if you're struggling to fund your doctor's visit, hospitalization, imaging procedure, diagnostic tests, blood work, medication, or other type of treatment, a payday loan online may help ease the financial pressure.  

  1. Veterinary Fees

As the American Veterinary Medical Association points out, the following are signs of a pet emergency: 

  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Nonstop coughing or gagging 
  • Chocking 
  • Continuous or severe bleeding 
  • Inability to go pass stool 
  • Abnormal gum color (i.e., pale, yellow, or blue) 
  • Bloating (i.e., swollen belly, gagging, restlessness, and panting) 
  • Trauma (such as a fall, broken bones, open wounds, or car accident) 
  • Bite wounds and other signs of animal attacks 
  • Continuous or severe diarrhea or vomiting 

If your furry friend exhibits these signs, you need to take them to the vet, regardless of the time — that's a no-brainer. Once the situation calms down, you're left dealing with a potentially extortionate vet bill.  

Here are the average price ranges of typical pet emergencies across the US: 

 Pet Medical Emergency: 

Average Cost for a Cat: 

Average Cost for a Dog:  

Anaphylactic Shock 

$500 to $1,000 

$500 to $1,000 

Stomach Issues 

$200 to $2,000 

$700 to $3,000 

Intestinal Blockage 

$800 to $7,000 

$800 to $7,000 


$200 to $2,000 

$200 to $5,000 

Overnight Hospitalization 

$600 to $1,700 

$600 to $1,700 

Multi-Night Hospital Stay 

$1,500 to $3,500 

$1,500 to $3,500 


$200 to $250 

$200 to $250 

Blood Work 

$200 to $2,500 

$200 to $2,500 

Broken Bones 

$1,500 to $5,000 

$1,500 to $5,000 

Ear or Eye Problems 

$120 to $150 

$120 to $150 

Even with pet insurance, you may be saddled with unaffordable bills. So, you can use an online payday loan to cover the costs and get your financial health back on track.  


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Secure Your Online Payday Loan From Fast Payday Loans, Inc. Now! 

The most common emergencies covered by online payday loans are home repairs, veterinary fees, and medical bills. You can justify this type of loan if your situation will only get worse or become more expensive if left unpaid. Whether you're dealing with a higher-than-anticipated utility bill, don't know how you'll afford rent this month, or have a one-off unexpected fee, you can use an online payday loan.  

To kickstart the process, complete the form found on this website. One of our representatives will give you a call to discuss the requirements and walk you through every part of the process. If you qualify, you'll have the money you need in no time! 


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

June Mckaig

June Mckaig writes articles on finance and budgeting, hoping to provide insight amidst the overwhelming crowds of information on the internet. She feels that with all this accessibility comes a lot of false data, and she would like to contribute astute, helpful input that she knows can help others. If you would like to learn more about June's research, read more here.